An abbreviation for air conditioner or air conditioning.
A/C Condenser
The outside fan unit of the air conditioning system. It removes the heat from the Freon gas and “turns” the gas back into a liquid, pumping the liquid back to the coil.
Access and Mobility AS 1428.1
This is an Australian Standard in place to ensure all areas that are accessible to disabled people are constructed in such a way that they are “Disabled friendly”.
Activity Based Working (ABW)
ABW provides employess with a choice of workplace settings dependant on their activity.
Round screened screw-on tip of a sink spout – mixes water and air for a smooth flow.
Sharp clean stone that is mixed with sand and cement. A major component of concrete.
(sometimes referred to as a PC Sum) (an abbreviation for Provisional Cost Sum or Prime Cost Sum)
Sum of money set aside in the construction contract for items which have not been selected and specified in the construction contract. For example, selection of tile as flooring may require an allowance for screed bed material, or an electrical allowance which sets aside an amount of money to be spent on electrical fixtures. Sometimes a PC Sum needs to be allowed when it is not possible to obtain an accurate quote due to insufficient information In this case work is costed based on an ‘educated guess’ with any shortfall or over-spending made up via a Variation or credit.
Anchor Bolts
Bolts to secure an item to concrete or masonry floor or wall.
Abbreviation for Australian Standards
Moulding, attached to one of a pair of swinging double doors, against which the other door strikes
Authority Approvals
Approval for works to proceed legally by any necessary authority i.e. local council, private certifiers or any other person in authority required to do so if the nature of the works means approval is required.Flexible material used to seal a gap between two surfaces.